Super Flash
Super Flash Package
Our Advantages
Super Flash hosting at
A$26.42/mo.Take a look at our hosting services with a 30-day completely free trial. No credit card required.
True Cloud Platform
We have utilized the most recent cloud server technology when constructing our own web hosting system, which is invulnerable to occasional performance disruptions and downtimes. All of the services associated with your web site like DNSs, e–mails, databases, web apps, etcetera are handled by separate machines to ensure that even if there is an excessive load issue, your web site will still be working seamlessly.
Enhanced Service Stability and Security
A cloud hosting system based on security–upgraded Linux hosting servers
Our servers run a security–upgraded Linux distribution, which makes them very secure and durable. We have put lots of time and energy into building a secure platform that is capable to resist substantial hacker or even denial–of–service attacks without interruptions to the web hosting service and afflicting your own web site’s performance.
Multiple Data Centers
Shared website hosting plans in America, in Europe and in Australia
Presently we have data center facilities in the U.S.A. (Steadfast in Chicago), in Europe (Pulsant in close proximity to London, Ficolo in Pori, Finland and Telepoint in Sofia, Bulgaria) and in Australia (Amaze in Sydney). We’ve meticulously picked out every single datacenter in order to ensure enterprise–grade shared website hosting solutions for your web sites and web apps. There won’t be any extra costs – the price will stay the same irrespective of which datacenter facility you pick.
Web App Installer
A simple installation of online journals, photo galleries, etcetera.
Using the one–click Apps tool included in your Site Control Panel, you can get your own personal fully fledged site online in a matter of seconds. With a single mouse click, your personal blog, forum, online photo album or online shop will be launched and will be ready to be used. Select your web app, fill in a few details associated with your new site and hit the Install button. We’ll take care of everything else on your behalf! Over 40 web applications are available for you to select from.
Super Flash
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Service guarantees
- Each of our plans is put together for you at zero cost. 30 day money–back. 99.9% service uptime. 1–hour response time.
Compare our prices
- Find out more about our prices and pick the best website hosting solution for your individual or business websites. You’ll be able to transition to a more advanced plan with a click.
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Contact Us
- Contact us anytime during business hours on weekdays for any pre–sale or common questions with regards to our services. Contact us whenever you want.